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By Ben Bajarin on July 15, 2011
Barack Obama, ha perdido más de 36.000 seguidores en Twitter en un día....
June: 9.2%
President Obama and the Democrats are issuing dire warnings that the U.S. may default on its debts if the debt
By Rachel Alexander
By Alberto Acereda
El fracaso de la gestión económica de Obama ha tocado ya techo, con un mes de junio pasado donde se crearon tan sólo 18.000 puestos de trabajo
La Cámara de Representantes de EEUU aprobó este miércoles por estrecho margen una medida

Facebook’s long-awaited iPad app has been discovered by a blogger....
Since launching Refinancia in Bogota in 2005, Chief Executive Officer
El cantante de ópera español Plácido Domingo fue nombrado, este martes,  en Londres presidente
Cientos de miles de artículos enciclopédicos sobre hechos históricos,
What do Latin Americans want? It's the question on the lips of many marketers today. But in the run-up
By: Giovanni Rodriguez
Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg's sister is leaving the....
NASDAQ-100 Tech Sector

Promesas Rotas
By Jorge Ramos
Qué tienen en común Barack Obama, Hugo Chávez, Felipe Calderón y Luis Fortuño.Read more

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United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Announces New Members of the Board of Directors
New Mexico hero Antonio Diaz Chacon who saved girl from kidnapper says he’s illegal (undocumented)
A new wearable 3D visor has been launched by Sony for gamers and film fans who like to enjoy their entertainment alone
El antes y despues: Detras del Maquillaje
Anyone who has been in the business of Hispanic marketing for 20+ years will tell you the 1990 and 2000 Census results
Los Republicanos quieren quitarle la presidencia a los Demócratas y los Demócratas están haciendo todo lo posible para mantenerla. Y mientras el país se desmorona.
Jorge Ramos
Rising to Greater Heights
“Jaime Tirado”

By: Ricardo Lane
Jaime Tirado is 19 years old and college bound. Raised by a confident but not cocky Puerto Rican family,
A Refreshing New Latin Taste
By: Bernardo Lozano
El Tango Latin Mexican Grill, located on busy Madison Avenue in Lakewood will pleasantly surprise you.........Read me
This Month Issue
Charter schools' programs for the gifted, computer skills attract students
Why do parents choose charter schools over their own highly ranked districts? In some cases, they're enticed by sophisticated marketing from the for-profit companies behind Ohio's major charter chains and online schools, critics say.
Lo Mas Nuevo
Your Parents Were Richer Than You Are
Your parents were much better off than you are at the same age, according to this report by the Pew Research Center that shows that over the past quarter century households head by older adults have grown far richer faster than their counterparts at the same age.
Check report
A Casa llena Shakira Presenta su Espectaculo “SALE EL SOL” En Puerto Rico
(San Juan, Puerto Rico) -- La cantautora colombiana Skakira llevo su gira de conciertos  a Puerto Rico con dos presentaciones llenas a capacidad en el Coliseo José Miguel Agrelot de San Juan. Durante alrededor de dos horas la interprete ofreció un recorrido por 21 años de trayectoria musical enardeciendo a los miles de fanáticos que respondieron a la convocatoria de la artista que no se presentaba en la isla hace seis años.
Tras las luces apagarse Shakira entro por uno de los pasillos laterales del  área de arena del recinto enfundada en un traje rosado chillón a los acordes de “Pienso en ti”, a la vez que saludaba a los presentes con un apretón de manos. Luego subió al sencillo escenario enmarcado con tres pantallas gigantes. Acto seguido cambio su traje por  unas licras negras y camisa dorada para cantar “Años luz”.

Sources: USLatino
Autor: Nidzy Ortiz
Source Website:
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