This is Cleveland: A Cleveland Anthem

 By Juan Caminero

juan caminero iconAs a part of a new and innovative campaign to rebrand Cleveland’s image, the tourism organization known as “Positively Cleveland” has released a YouTube video entitled “A Cleveland Anthem”. The video itself carries a gritty themed portrayal of a rebellious city with attitude, showcasing the entertainment, cuisine, and rock-infused culture. Perhaps the most attention-grabbing aspect of the video are the phrases flashing throughout it, which seem to be pulling apart the curtain of Cleveland’s reputation to reveal a town of edgy, passionate, and sophisticated people. These “in-your-face” phrases include “This isn’t the place for people who follow the herd” as well as “While they were talking about us, we weren’t listening”.

Following Positively Cleveland’s annual meeting at the Cleveland Convention Center on Wednesday, the campaign entitled “This is Cleveland” has sparked a considerable reaction on social media. Cleveland residents, business owners, and even Mayor Frank Jackson took to twitter using the hashtag “#ThisIsCLE” to show their support. In regards to the new branding strategy, head of Positively Cleveland David Gilbert commented saying “We are not just about marketing…we are about growth”.

Growth appears to be the buzzword among locals who have been working to bring about what’s being called a “Cleveland renaissance”. With an active arts scene, a diverse culinary industry, and recent development projects, Cleveland is making a city-wide effort to turn around dwindling numbers and increase commerce. The video released this month was effective in telling a story of a cultured and progressive city who is ready to claim its title as the underdog. It paints the picture of a city with open arms using the words “Come as you are” to welcome new Clevelanders. In the future, that story might blossom into a renewed reputation that will attract business, students, immigrants, and all the groups who fuel economic growth within America. 

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