Cleveland Clinic is collaborating this year with LATINA, Inc., to present a dialogue on women’s health.

Tu Familia, Su Salud, a free event open to the public, will be held Wednesday, October 15th at Lutheran Hospital’s Castele Auditorium. The evening begins with a reception at 5:15 followed by a program at 6.

This year’s Tu Familia, Su Salud will provide engaging conversations between medical professionals and leaders in our community about how we can become empowered with information about healthcare services, resources and trends and make better personal decisions for ourselves and our families.

With the support of LATINA, Inc., a women’s professional organization, this is an opportunity for Latinas in our area to network and have an open dialogue about health literacy.

Tu Familia, Su Salud attendees will hear from a panel of Cleveland Clinic physicians and talk to them about ways to impact positive healthcare outcomes.
Come and bring a friend to Tu Familia, Su Salud. Registration is required for this free event.
Just go to or by email for more information.

Tu Familia, Su Salud…a dialogue on women’s health, created for you.



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