Francheska Torres a Latina Teen Following her Dreams

Photo By: Gerardo Encinas Photography

Francheska Torres was a candidate for the Miss Puerto Rico Image Program from Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center. This program has been run by Project Model Owner, Yasin Cuevas for four years now. Yasin created a media contest for all the candidates in collaboration with the Vocero Latino Newspaper.
In this competition the candidate with more likes has the opportunity to be on the cover of the Vocero Latino. Francheska Torres was the happy winner.
Learn more about Francheska Torres…

Francheska; would you say that Miss Puerto Rico Image, has change your life?
Miss Puerto Rico Image has, without a doubt, changed my life for the best. I learned so many things about myself that helped me improve as a person. For example, it helped my social skills; it’s so much easier for me to talk in front of an audience. I’m so grateful that I got to experience such an amazing opportunity with some really talented people.

What was the best advice you received about entering this Pageant?
The best advice I’ve received was to just have fun with it. To do the best I can and to treat it as a learning experience. This really helped me realize that I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.

The new generation puts a lot of emphasis on physical appearance and pageants are known to promote this behavior even more, do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Sadly I do agree that this generation nowadays really does put a lot of emphasis on physical appearance. However I don’t necessarily believe that pageants promote this type of behavior. Pageants give girls the opportunity to better themselves and it gives them the chance to find out who they really are. They help girls learn how to accept who and how they are. Personally, being in a pageant made me learn to be more open minded and it made me feel confident and good about myself.

If you woke up tomorrow and gained any one ability or quality, what would you want it to be?
If I woke up tomorrow I would like to have the ability of being invisible. That way I could travel the world whenever I wanted to without any problems

What do you value most in a relationship with a friend?
Honesty, it is so important to me because it shows who you really are.

What important figure (political, sports, entertainer, etc.) either local, state, or national do you feel is the best role model for young people today, and why?
I feel that Emma Watson is a great role model for young people today because she’s a great actress who followed her dreams. Her talent is so inspirational. Not only is she successful in acting and in what she does but she also continued her education at Brown University.

What does “success” mean to you? Have you achieved it?
To me “success” is when you accomplish your goals. I think I have achieved success in many aspects of my life whether it from small or big goals and that they will all eventually lead me to my last goal of graduating college with a degree. That would be my ultimate success.

We are aware that you are competing for Miss Ohio Teen USA representing Latinas, what made you take this step?
Competing for Miss Ohio Teen USA is my dream. Even though I’m working hard to win, it’s not what I care about the most. The whole experience is what I love. I’m learning so much about myself in the training process and it’s brought new positive habits in my life. I’m taking just one step at a time and really enjoying the whole experience.

What would it mean to you if you won?
If I won I would be the happiest girl ever. It would mean the world to me. It’s a once in a life time opportunity that would change my life forever. I’m training really hard right now to make this goal of mine a success.

Finally Francheska, what advice would you give to other youth that would like to follow your path?
I would advise them to give it all they’ve got, no matter what goal they’re trying to accomplish at the time. They have to be willing to put themselves out there to really be the best that they can. Not to be afraid to go after their dreams even if they seem silly and to be open minded about new things.
Francheska currently is training at Project Model Institute, she has participated in different events, runway shows and continues being an excellent student at Mayfield High School. She will be representing Miss Ohio Latina Teen USA November 8 and 9 of 2014.
If you would like more information on how to participate in pageants please contact Yasin Cuevas at 216-394-1001 or email at



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