Miss Ohio Latina 2016 is welcome in her hometown La Plata, Colombia

Diana Muñoz Salgado, Miss Ohio Latina 2016 and University of Akron PhD student was recent back in her hometown of La Plata, Colombia to receive formal recognition from the city’s Mayor, Luis Armando Castillo, the Secretary of Culture, Yimi Fernando Lozada, and the city’s municipal legislative council. The recognition was given to Ms. Salgado to celebrate the contribution she has made in bringing more awareness of La Plata and the Colombian state of Huila to the United States, and for setting a strong example to young women and men in the community by pursuing an advanced degree while simultaneously upholding traditional culture and values.

The state, or departamento, of Huila, in the south of Colombia, celebrates its rich culture, highly rated coffee, and local UNESCO World Heritage Site, San Agustin Archaeological Park. Ms. Salgado had previously gained recognition in the state of Huila in 2013 when she represented her city in the state-wide Festival de Bambuco and was crowned Reina del Bambuco for her performance of the wildly popular traditional dance called San Juanero.

The recognition event in celebration of Ms. Salgado’s achievements and contribution to the culture of her city was held on January 4th, 2016. The event kicked off with live traditional music, followed by a press conference for local and state media, a celebratory breakfast, and finally, a formal recognition ceremony. Ms. Salgado was accompanied to the event by family and close friends.

Miss ohio latina colombia

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