STATEMENT FROM COUNTY EXECUTIVE CANDIDATE JACK SCHRON: On FitzGerald’s plan for allocation of sin tax funds

The voters approved a renewal tax on alcohol and cigarettes that is to fund stadium improvements and the county’s stadium debt.  Issue 7 asked the voters to support the facilities as public assets.  Tying funding allocations to team performances takes these stadiums out of the hands of the people and places them in the hands of private entities.  The big three sports teams are not the only entities to utilize the stadiums, nor are they the only entities to create jobs and generate revenue as a result of their activities in these facilities.  Any funding allocation should consider the value of the facility itself and the economic impact it has the potential to provide.



The voters have spoken and FitzGerald’s proposal ignores what they voted for – a continuation of a tax for capital improvements not performance. A Schron administration will be open and collaborative and respect the will of the people.

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