Street Operations: Cleveland Potholes

According to The Division of Streets, this is an average year for the number of pot holes, though it may seem higher compared to the low number from last year’s milder winter. Freeze-thaw cycles and consistent salting and plowing have a significant impact on streets. The City is working to get pot holes patched as quickly as possible, weather permitting.


The best time for pothole repairs are on dry days when the temperature is at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit or above. It has been too wet to make repairs using hot recycled asphalt, which offers a longer-lasting fix than the “cold patch” method. Cold patch is a temporary fix that is pliable in cold weather and is made from aggregate and an asphaltic material.

The City has 6 – 7 crews per day working to repair potholes across the city, weather permitting. Main streets and secondary mains are the priority at this time, though local low volume, low speed streets will be systematically repaired after the main thoroughfares.

Residents can report potholes to 216.664.2510, and they can then be added to the schedule for repair. Individuals may file a claim if their vehicles are damaged.

Street Operations: Pothole Repair


216.664.2510 – 24 hours a day, every day of the week

The City of Cleveland has twelve to sixteen crews working to fill potholes in the City’s approximately 10,200 main and residential streets. To lessen the inconvenience to residents, city crews utilize automated patch mobile units to expedite repairs. Approximately 3000 tons of material is used annually to fill potholes.

When holes are fixed in the winter, the material used is only a temporary fix until spring. In warmer months a hot asphalt mixture is used, which permanently repairs the hole.

Vehicle Damage From Potholes

216.664.2671 – Weekdays 8 am to 5 pm

Vehicle damage can be reported to the Department of Law Moral Claims Division at 216.664.2671. Claimants will be required to fill out claim forms. The Law Department will review the claim and determine if the claimant is entitled to reimbursement for damages.

Other Holes in the Street 

Utility cuts are rectangular excavations in the road made by utility companies to reach underground lines. Contractors are responsible for temporarily filling the cuts. Upon completion of the work, the city makes a permanent repair.

Cave-ins or sinkholes are deep holes that reach past the concrete base of the street. This occurs when the dirt below the street has washed away, causing the road to cave in.

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