The 2015 Brazilian Carnaval took place at Shooters on the Water

By: Bruna Alves Pinto 
from Borogodó DA BRU

Cleveland- Carnaval, the most popular party in Brazil, celebrated all year long & everywhere in the country. But February is the highlighted month.  In Brazil, they have the main parades in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro & Bahia during the weekend prior to Fat Tuesday.

In Cleveland, we only get 1 day of celebration, but thanks to Tropical Cleveland, we get to experience the real deal. The Carnaval party hosted by Tropical Cleveland started over 11 years ago, originally at former Moda Night Club on West 25th street. Adriana & Gilberto, tropical Cleveland owners, every year surprises us with a better party.

The 2015 Carnaval took place at Shooters on the Water, Saturday, the 14th of February. Yes, it was Valentine’s Day Night plus the extreme cold weather. Still, Hundreds of people attended the party, including lots of couples, and got entertained by the beautiful “passistas” (Samba Dancers) and live music provided by a Brazilian band from NYC ~ Brasil Live. Also, Marcus Santos, Samba Joia, and participation of Moises Borges.
I, as a Brazilian born, raised, and leaving away from home, am very thankful for this beautiful annual party. It really does transports me back home for one night. I can dance, jump, sing, and enjoy the company of so many beautiful people. Every year I meet a new Brazilian too.

The party is always attended by many nationalities besides Brazilian. For her second party, being last year her first one, Carolina Wolter, Dominican born & partly raised in her country, resident of Cleveland and Business Owner of Ambiance Hair Salon, had a blast at the party: ” Lo que a mi más me gusta es la alegria presente en el ambiente – What I love the most about the party is the present happiness in the place”.

Tropical Cleveland is the pioneer in Cleveland for promoting the best Latin Parties in town. Adriana Matos, for being Brazilian, puts her heart and soul into the organization of the event. “There is no better feeling to know that through this event, we manage to get so many Brazilians away from home and make them feel like they are back home for one night. Also, making others from so many different places in the world part of our culture. They are able to experience our incredible energy through our music. Making the party venue little Brazil for one night is a priceless experience that Gilberto & I have been able to make it happen for over 11 years. That’s amazingly rewarding”.

If you missed the party this time due to the weather conditions, get ready to next years party. It will be even better & bigger. Meanwhile, join Tropical Cleveland for Latin Dance Parties the first Saturday of every month.
For dates, locations, and more information regarding events promoted by Tropical Cleveland, access

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