Ohio’s Hispanic Population: 354,674

The Hispanic community makes up 3.1 percent of  Ohio’s total population   with significant growth  occurring during the last  decade.  Since 2000 the  number of Hispanic Ohioans has increased by  63 percent.  In 1980 there were less than  120,000 Hispanics in Ohio, making up 1.1 percent of the state’s total population.

Hispanic Population

The majority of Hispanic Ohioans live in  urban areas of the state.  Three out of  every ten Hispanic Ohioans live in one of  the three cities of Cleveland, Columbus,  or Toledo.  In Columbus there are 44,400  Hispanic residents, in Cleveland there  are 39,500, and in Toledo there are  21,200 Hispanic residents.  However, the  Hispanic population makes up a higher proportion of county populations in the north and northwest sections of Ohio, many of which are rural in nature.

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