AT&T and LULAC Empower Hispanic America with Technology in Cleveland

Contribution for The Centers for Families and Children will Provide Users with Essential Technology to Access Education and Employment

Cleveland, April 8, 2016 – Today the League of United Latin America Citizens (LULAC) Institute, with the help of AT&T, upgraded one of its Empower Hispanic America with Technology Centers at The Centers for Families and Children’s El Barrio Workforce Center.

The technology center is one of 60 such centers around the country. The centers are part of an ongoing effort to help ensure the Latino community has access to dependable and useful technology. Upgrades to the center included computer equipment, office applications software and technology curriculum. Additionally, technology support was made available to assist with the use of this new equipment.

“LULAC remains at the forefront of efforts to create broadband access for the Hispanic community,” said Roger C. Rocha Jr., LULAC national president, “As evidenced by today’s announcement, with the support of AT&T we are ensuring that the Hispanic community has access to dependable and useful technology.”

As part of the center’s re-launch, FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, AT&T and LULAC representatives joined center staff in helping members of the community learn about the new equipment. Local AT&T employees also led a training for El Barrio Workforce Center clients on social media best practices while looking for a job.

“Improving access to cutting-edge technology helps expand economic and social opportunities, which is why we are very proud to support the work that LULAC is doing here in Cleveland,” said Adam Grzybicki, president of AT&T Ohio. “The new devices and technology tools at El Barrio Workforce Center will allow Clevelanders to improve their education, career and life.”

Individuals who visit the centers will now have the technology they need to complete résumés and college applications. The new technology will also be used for GED preparation, financial aid research, online citizenship classes and job-search programs. The centers also provide individuals with the use of high-speed Internet access and basic office applications software to develop job skills and expand career options.

This effort builds upon LULAC’s long standing work with AT&T in this area which includes the initial establishment of 23 centers in 2004 and 32 centers in 2007 as well as 7 center upgrades in 2015.

About LULAC 

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit, and

 About The Centers

The Centers for Families and Children is one of Northeast Ohio’s oldest and largest non-profit human service organizations. The Centers offers a wide range of services that focuses primarily on education, health and workforce, with supportive services that give people access to opportunities, relationships, resources and networks they need to be successful. The Centers’ El Barrio Workforce Center serves more than 800 Clevelanders each year in workforce training and placement services, computer skills and English language acquisition. It offers specialized tracks for certain industries along with programming for immigrant communities. Visit to learn more.

About AT&T

AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) helps millions around the globe connect with leading entertainment, mobile, high-speed Internet and voice services. We’re the world’s largest provider of pay TV. We have TV customers in the U.S. and 11 Latin American countries. We offer the best global coverage of any U.S. wireless provider*. And we help businesses worldwide serve their customers better with our mobility and highly secure cloud solutions.

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