Cleveland Municipal School District Board Seeks Applicants to Fill Vacancy

Mayor Frank G. Jackson announced today that applications will be accepted from now until December 13, 2013 for two vacancies on the Cleveland Municipal School District Board of Education. One vacancy created by the resignation of Eric Wobser is for an unexpired term ending June 30, 2015, and the other vacancy is for a full term ending June 30, 2017. Applicants must be residents of the Cleveland Municipal School District, which includes Cleveland, Bratenahl, Linndale, and Newburgh Heights and portions of Brook Park and Garfield Heights.

Interested parties can mail their applications to the Nominating Panel at 601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 227, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, attention Monyka Price or drop off applications at City Hall, room 227. Applications must be turned in or post marked by close of business Friday, December 13, 2013.

Applications may be obtained by clicking on the links above and aso at the CMSD website or by contacting City of Cleveland, Chief of Education Monyka Price at 216.420.8087 for more information. Applications can also be found at branches of the Cleveland Public Library and City of Cleveland Recreation Centers.


Application Forms
CMSD Board Application Form >>
CMSD Board Application Form (Spanish Version) >>


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Board of Education?
The Board of Education serves as the governing body of the Cleveland Municipal School District. The Board, with the concurrence of the Mayor, appoints the Chief Executive Officer of the School District. Other Board responsibilities include setting School District policy, approving the School District budget, establishing School District goals and accountability standards, and promoting parent, family and community involvement in the schools. This is a unique governance structure, as all other school districts in Ohio elect members to their boards of education.

What is the CMSD Nominating Panel and how are members selected?
The Cleveland Municipal School District Nominating Panel was created as a part of Ohio House Bill 269, which established the Mayor-Appointed Board governance structure in 1998. The Nominating Panel is charged with nominating a slate of persons for each Board of Education vacancy. The Mayor may only select from persons nominated by the Nominating Panel in making appointments to the Board of Education. The Nominating Panel is made up of eleven volunteer members as follows:

  • Three members are parents or guardians of children attending the Cleveland Metropolitan Schools, who are appointed by the School District’s Parent Teacher Association, or a similar organization
  • Three members are appointed by the Mayor
  • One person is appointed by the President of Cleveland City Council
  • One teacher is appointed by the collective bargaining representative of the Cleveland Teachers Union
  • One principal is appointed through a vote of CMSD’s Principals
  • One representative of the business community is appointed by an organized collective business entity selected by the Mayor, currently the Greater Cleveland Partnership
  • One president of a public or private institution of higher education located within the Cleveland Metropolitan School District is appointed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction

How many Board of Education members are appointed by the Mayor, and how are they sworn in?
Under Ohio law, nine members of the Board of Education of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Cleveland. However, the oath of office can be administered by any of the following people: any elected official in the City of Cleveland; the Board of Education Chair; the CMSD Chief Financial Officer; or any attorney or notary public in Ohio.

How are School Board vacancy applications processed?
Applications are submitted to the Mayor’s Chief of Education.  Blank applications can be found on the City, CMSD and Cleveland Public Library websites. The Chief of Education forwards all applications to the community-based Nominating Panel members. Thereafter, the Mayor can appoint persons from a slate of nominees recommended by the Nominating Panel.

How long is a Board of Education member’s term?
Board of Education members serve four-year terms.

Who is in charge of the School District?
CMSD’s Chief Executive Officer runs the School District and the Mayor of the City of Cleveland serves as the appointing authority of the Board of Education.

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