Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge rides with transit workers to the Board of Election, Thursday

ATU Local 268 RTA Employees Gear Up to Get out The Vote during Early Voting and on Election Day

Cleveland, Ohio – Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) joins the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 268 to promote their free rides to the polls GOTV program. StartingThursday, October 20th, ATU Local 268 will offer free rides to Cuyahoga County residents during early voting and on Election day.


“This is one of the most important elections of our lifetime; there is so much at stake,” said Congresswoman Fudge. “Our actions will determine the outcome of this election. We must do all we can to get out the vote.”

Congresswoman Fudge continued, “A lack of transportation can be a barrier to the ballot box. I thank the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 268 for providing this service and working to get more Ohioans to the polls.”

“We believe that voting is a fundamental right and not having access to transportation is an obstacle no one needs to face,” said ATU Local 268 President Ronald W. Jackson, Sr. “As RTA workers, we’re proud to play a vital role where our neighbors can have their voices heard by having access to the polls during this election cycle.”

Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, Amalgamated Transit Unon Local 268 (RTA Employees)                                  

Thursday, October 20, 2016; 10am              

Congresswoman Fudge will ride the van from ATU Local 268 Office on 2428 St. Clair Avenue to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections

About Congresswoman Fudge
First elected in 2008, Congresswoman Fudge represents the people of the 11th Congressional District of Ohio. She is a committed public servant who brings a hard-working, problem-solving spirit to Congress and to the task of creating jobs, protecting safety net programs, and improving access to quality public education, health care and healthy foods. An advocate for civil and human rights, Congresswoman Fudge travels the nation using her voice to get communities of color engaged in this all-important election year. This July, she was selected to serve as the Permanent Chair of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA. For more information on Congresswoman Fudge, please visit:

About ATU
The Amalgamated Transit Union is the largest union representing 190,000 transit and allied workers across the U.S. and Canada, with more than 1,500 members in Cuyahoga County.

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