Dance till the stars come down from Heavens, Daisun Santana the Interview

By Ivan Gomez

I have been waiting a long time to be able to interview you, I hear you’re a good dancer and you motivate the youth, What made you decide to work with them?

I myself, am a young person and a kid at heart. I can relate to most of the troubles that the youth experience. I try to uplift their spirits, motivate their passion and share my experiences and accomplishments in hopes of expressing to them that anything is achievable, anything is possible. I strive for greatness and let nothing hold me back. I push that mentality onto to them so they can see beyond the streets, the city, the country, the world. I decided to work with them because I am them.

What got you into dancing?

I have always been inspired by music. The sound of hand slaps on congas and other percussion instruments have always triggered something in my body which would make me want to move. My world turned completely after watching the movie, BEAT STREET and THE FRESHEST KIDS. Once i saw BBoyin’ (Street term for BreakDancing) i knew this dance was for me. I would watch the films over and over and attempt some moves. I then realized my brother and most of my friends were a part of a small community of Breakers at my school.Soon after, I met up with old friends and began my career as a Bboy at Lincoln West High School, fall of 2002. Since Then I have been all over the world teaching workshops at universities, K-12 schools, premier dance studios, recreational centers, Boys & Girls Clubs, also performing in theaters, concerts, NBA games, corporate functions, Carnival Cruise Lines and even competing as well as judging at many of the biggest events and stages in the International Hip Hop community. I now am the proud founder and Director of CityBreaks Studio, located in Cleveland’s westside. I teach the youth, host dance events and bring people together. I have lived my dream and now looking for new hurdles to jump.

Why do you love to dance?

I began this lifestyle at an early age and have grown as a man through and with this dance. It is my escape, it is my world. When I am in my zone, nothing else matters. It is my therapy, my friend, my true love. Only dancers or people who live their passion can understand. Because I love Breakin, the history, the culture, it does not mean I love to do it all the time, everywhere. This dance to me, only lets me do it when my mind body and soul are up to it. This dance helps me get through my days, it helps me understand life. It helps me connect with others and it gives me the confidence to walk tall. I can be whoever I want with this dance. This dance is mine, and can never be taken away. That is why i love this dance.

Describe your style

Style. When it comes to breaking and even Hip Hop culture, one’s Style is the most important. Your style represents YOU, how YOU feel, how YOU see the dance. If I can describe my style I would say; Dynamic, Passionate, Fast, Direct, Energetic, Bronx, Brooklyn, Broox, ME! My style is whatever I feel at the moment, my style is whatever I Felt like that morning, what issues I am going through at that time, MY STYLE IS REAL. My style is Zulu, Boricua, de Las Monjas, San Juan, Puerto Rico. My Style is Cleveland, CityBreaks, my style is SANTANA! everything I represent and feel, you will sense from my style.

What kind of emotions do you feel and give off when you dance?

It all depends on the atmosphere. I feel most at peace when I am dancing on my own at my studio, CityBreaks Studio ( . I feel free, I feel as if nothing matters…When i am Teaching, I am learning. I try to make sure my student gets my point of view. I feel motivated and pushed to provide encouraging energy to my students. Now, when I am in the heat of a battle or competition, My emotions are going haywire. I am angry, aggressive. I am at war, ready to unleash extreme amounts of energy. Anxious, ready to blow up. But inside I feel happy and content to have the opportunity to compete, travel, meet and connect with so many people….

Daisun what keeps you from not quitting dance, in other words:what inspires you to keep on dancing?

The thought of quitting is like committing suicide. I have learned so much and have experience many great moments for me to just turn my back on this. As I stated above, with this dance and culture, I have grown from young 14 year-old to a 25, soon to be 26 year old man, father, husband, teacher, entrepreneur. I believe I still have a ton to go, a lot to accomplish and many more countries to visit and this pushes me to continue. If i quit, I will have let down my crew, my students, my family, those who I have influenced, and most importantly, myself.

What are your upcoming projects?

I am currently organizing our summer camp and will kick the summer off with an event called THE CITYBREAKS SUMMER JAM 2014. This event will feature and attract well known dancers from all over Ohio and our surrounding states. We will have a Kids Dance competition for awards and prizes, and an all out Dance Battle tournament for cash prizes, award, and much more. Cleveland needs to definitely get involved and witness this themselves. There will be a Dj playing dance music, Live Graffiti Painting and much more. Date is set for June 14th 2014 at CityBreaks Studio, Located at 3327 West 32nd Street Cleveland, Oh 44109,, and be sure to keep up with me, I will be releasing new videos, new class schedules, and more events for this summer. Stay updated via

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career?

The biggest challenge i have faced besides learning most of these crazy moves would be, keeping the fire lit. Staying motivated after so many years, is very hard to do. Especially living in a city where Dance is not so big. Pushing to make dance bigger in Cleveland and for people around the world to come see what we have to offer is what pushes me to continue.

A life of professional performance seems like it would be very demanding, competitive, and stressful. Is that true or is that only from the outside looking in?

Very true. Thats one of the main things I try to tell young people. One must sacrifice a lot to live what you love. Sometimes you will hate your passion, due to overdoing it, or having to express yourself when you don’t really feel like it. It drains your energy, BUT that goes along saying, loving something isn’t and should never be easy. If your passion fades and never seem to regain it, then its not for you.. Though I may have my moments, the love and passion I have keeps my fire lit and it must stay lit at least until i pass my torch onto the next generation.

Have you ever competed in other states or countries? If yes where?

After so many years in the game, I am now known internationally as “BzBroox” of the well respected and world renowned Mighty Zulu Kingz breaking crew. I have traveled to China, France, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Australia, England, Wales, The Netherlands, Germany, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, The Bahamas and many different cities in the USA to teach workshops, perform, and compete against the best from around the world.

Well Daisun, too many questions my friend, do you want to add anything else or have shout outs?

I am currently running this Dance studio on my own and would love any advice, ideas and/or donations to help me keep afloat and take this venture to new heights. To contact me here is my email : or if you wish to Donate towards a great cause, you can click the donate tab on the upper right corner of the home page at . Thanks!!!

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