Edwin Rivera Responds to Janet Garcia About Blackmail Allegations

I write this letter to my readers, to our community and especially
to all my friends, family and latino residents of this area. Recently, I
have heard a lot of comments that have been directed at me that I
tried to blackmail a person by the name of Janet Garcia. Janet is
running for Cleveland City Council and she has stated on her
website that I tried to extort her a month ago. She states that if she
didn’t buy advertising into my newspaper, I would be putting other
candidates in LATINO GOSPEL NEWS and printing a story about
her upcoming court case which I have since learned that she is
being charged in a felony case by the Westlake Police
Department.She states on her Facebook account that I was trying
to extort her.
This is definately not true and she clearly mistook my intentions.
Yes, I did come to her and told her that there was a story that
would be circulating in local medias about upcoming criminal
charges on her. I told her some newspapers already had a story
coming out on the criminal case and her past drug usage history
was also going to be raised.( see last edition of Vocero Latino and
television Action #19 covered the case on TV and on their website.)
I came to her to help her by letting her know what was going
on. Simply what was going to happening. I told her that my newspaper
might be a good source to advertise in and portray a good
image of her. Instead, she stated that she was going to sue
everyone involved starting with me. All I said to her was advertising
and marketing in Latino Gospel News was a good thing to do.
After many years of knowing her, I can say she is no longer my
friend and in my opinion as the old saying goes, “a friend like her is
no friend at all”.
Voters in Ward 14 should make an every attempt to view
Action TV19 news report on the Tv website’ The Tv segment is still
up for viewing. Find out the court details of the upcoming August
felony case in Cuyahoga Criminal Court. County Records are
posted in public records about her drug cases in the past. They are
listed on the Internet for free viewing to anyone wanting to know.
All this information is public record so I am not spreading rumors.
Once again, I came to her as a friend to help her with her
campaign. I offered up my newspaper to help her get the good
word out on her. To smear me on the internet and in the street is
“bad politics”. Fortunately, I can also use my newspaper, THE
LATINO GOSPEL NEWS as my way of letting people know I didn’t
do anything wrong.
More importantly , I want to let the community know the
facts and profile behind this political candidate called Janet
Garcia. Do the voters of Ward 14 and the City of Cleveland
need another politician with a drug background and felon
charges against her in an upcoming August court case.


Edwin Rivera, owner of LATINO GOSPEL NEWS

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