Horseshoe Casino Pedestrian Walkway Project

CLEVELAND – The Horseshoe Casino has begun construction on the pedestrian walkway, which will span the intersection of Ontario Street and Prospect Avenue. This weekend, the Ontario/Prospect intersection will be closed to enable Horseshoe to raise the walkway into place. The intersection will be closed beginning at approximately 6:30 p.m. Friday, October 18, 2013. The intersection will reopen by 6:00 a.m. Monday, Oct. 21, 2013.

Prospect Avenue will be closed from East 4th Street to just past the Horseshoe Casino. Ontario Street will be closed from Public Square to Huron Road. Sidewalks may be closed at certain times due to safety hazards.
The northbound detour route will be Ontario Street to Huron Road to Superior Avenue. The southbound detour route will be Ontario Street to South Roadway to eastbound on Euclid Avenue to East 9th street.
Traffic controllers will staff closure points to redirect traffic. We appreciate your patience as this project moves forward.

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