Median Household Income: $34,461

The median income of Hispanic Ohioans is lower than that of Ohioans taken as a whole. The median household income for Hispanics is under $35,000; for all Ohio households, the median household income is $45,395.  This figure is influenced by the latest immigrants to Ohio.  The median income for Mexican immigrants, which comprise the majority of recent arrivals, is near $25,000.  The income of Hispanics between the ages of 25 and 64 is more than $10,000 lower than that of Ohio households taken as a whole.  Hispanic households led by individuals younger than 25 or older than 65 have an income distribution similar to the state. Thirty percent of Hispanic Ohioans live below the poverty line.  Of Ohio’s  roughly 68,000 Hispanic family households, one quarter live in poverty.  Nearly half of these households have children younger than 5 years ofage. Over 20 percent of Hispanic households received Food Stamps within the last 12 months.

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