Nominations are still being accepted for the Nueva Latina Estrella Award 2014

As recognition for the role of Latina Women in society, Verizon Wireless has launched the “Nueva Latina Estrella Award” program.  Verizon recognizes professional women leaders who embrace creativity and integrity, and have shown success in the fields of technology, business, education, and community service. Nominations are being accepted here in Cleveland, The contest will reward each winner with $1,000 and a Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone.


Verizon recognizes the important role of professional Latina women in society, “We are proud to be able to recognize these leaders who have contributed so much in their industries and communities.”

With this initiative Verizon highlights the Latina of today, who is bilingual, bicultural, and college graduate. They are women who embrace their culture and heritage, and at the same time advance in their distinct industries by gaining experience and serving their community.


Verizon and Vocero Latino  invites all who know or work with a distinguished Latina professional to visit and nominate your Nueva Latina and/or find more information regarding this program and Verizon Wireless.


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