Vocero Latino Endorses Jack Schron for County Executive.

When looking at the County Executive race, we asked the important question ,” Who’s best to lead and move the county forward at a time when Cleveland, Ohio is on track to bring great things to Cuyahoga County? “

We found the answer to be Jack Schron.
Jack Schron will best serve our Latinos in Cuyahoga County, by attracting new business development projects and by creating new good paying Jobs for the working people of Cuyahoga County.
He has a great track record of being an innovator and job creator.
He is the CEO of Jergens Inc. employing over 400 good paying jobs
Under Jack’s leadership as CEO, Jergens has won a number of awards:
Winner of 2003 CAKI award for the most promising new IT business
Winner of the 2002 and 2009 eVolution in manufacturing award
Winner of the 2002 Manny Award for manufacturing excellence
Top Finalist; of the Ernest & Young Entrepreneur of the year 2003 and 2004
Winner of the Weatherhead 100 fastest growing companies 2009

In addition to being the CEO of Jergens Worldwide Inc., Jack has a law degree, he’s a retired U.S. Army officer, on Cuyahoga County Council and has served on a number of civic boards to help the community.

His experience on the Cuyahoga County Council will allow him to hit the ground running has he puts together a plan to bring new innovative ideas that will attract good paying jobs to Cuyahoga County.

Jack Schron has shown an ability to work across partisan lines by getting the endorsement of many democrats, African American leaders, Latino leaders and now Cleveland’s Latino newspaper Vocero Latino.

We ask all Latinos to join us in supporting someone who shares the same values and work ethics as our community. If you don’t know Jack, you need to take the time to discover what we did; Jack has the leadership skills, innovation and drive to bring good paying jobs to Cuyahoga County.

On November 4, 2014 join us in voting for Jack Schron to be the next Cuyahoga County Executive.

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