City of Cleveland Increases Traffic Control Presence to Assist with Innerbelt Bridge Closures

On Friday, November 22nd, during the morning rush hour, traffic control personnel will be staffed at the following locations to assist motorists: 

West 14th Street – at all signal controlled intersections from the West 14th roundabout to the eastbound Innerbelt Bridge on-ramp. 

Broadway Ave and Rockefeller Ave intersection 

I-77 northbound at the Woodland Ave/East 30th street off-ramp intersection 

I-71 northbound at the West 25th Street off-ramp intersection 

I-490 eastbound at the Broadway Ave off-ramp intersection


This increase in staffing will be in addition to regularly scheduled traffic control posts in place during the Friday morning rush hour. Special events staffing will be in place over the weekend and subject to the Bureau of Traffic deployment needs.

Motorists are encouraged to allow for extra travel time while these temporary closures are in place and to utilize public transportation. These closures will add more traffic onto alternate routes; therefore, the City of Cleveland would like to remind all motorists to please drive safely and respect all emergency response vehicles. For the latest up-to-date information on the status of the Innerbelt Bridge construction project, please visit the Ohio Department of Transportation website at

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