City of Cleveland Initiates Efforts to Achieve a Complete Count in the 2020 Census

Involves community-wide effort to educate and motivate residents to participate

CLEVELAND – The City of Cleveland announced efforts to achieve a complete and accurate count of the City’s population in the 2020 Census. The results of the 2020 Census will help determine congressional representation, resource development and will affect the distribution of more than $400 billion per year in federal funding to state and local governments for the next decade.

“The Census is taken every 10 years and it is essential that every Cleveland resident is counted,” said Mayor Frank G. Jackson. “A complete count makes our city’s voice stronger on a regional and national level; it also means more federal funding for important services like senior programs, education, healthcare and road repair.”

Achieving a complete and accurate count of the City’s population is an important task. All residents are encouraged to complete the 2020 Census questionnaire to ensure Cleveland communities receive federal funds that support vital community services such as senior programs, education, healthcare and road repair. In addition to the traditional print version, the 2020 Census form will be available in electronic form, making it accessible through mobile devices.

“We’re mobilizing earlier and getting coordinated earlier,” said Council President Kevin Kelley. “It’s important to Cleveland and to Ohio that we get an accurate count to ensure both our representation and funding for vital programs and services.”

Efforts to ensure resident participation in the 2020 Census include the formation of the Complete Count Committee, a group of community partners who will review and establish strategies to reach various constituent groups. The committee, which convened for the first time on March 29, will work to educate and motivate Cleveland residents to complete the 2020 census questionnaire.

Along with the City, community based organizations; faith-based groups; schools; businesses; the media; and others will play a key role in developing partners to educate and motivate residents to participate in the 2020 Census.

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