City of Cleveland Prepares For Winter Snow

CLEVELAND – The City of Cleveland is gearing up for the upcoming winter season. The Division of Streets will continue to utilize the City’s GIS based city-wide priority routing, designed to help ensure efficiency during a heavy snow event. Drivers will follow the district level routing system that has been used in the past for normal snow falls; the GIS based priority routing system will be used when there is a heavy snow event.

Other measures being implemented are the use of environmentally friendly materials such as salt brine and an organic based, corrosion inhibited, liquid anti-icer/de-icer, pre-wetting agent that can be used at much lower temperatures. Salt brine is less corrosive and is safer than the previously used calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, and is said to be significantly more cost effective. Other advantages to pre-treating with salt brine, and/or an liquid anti-icer/de-icer include providing a barrier between the pavement and ice; providing a longer window of time for final surface treatment; activating the salt prior to contacting the road surface; and most importantly it reduces the scattering of salt.
As always, the goal is to have all streets serviced within 24 to 36 hours from when snow stops falling, depending on the actual amount of snow fall. Work will be ongoing until main thoroughfares and residential streets are clear.
The City of Cleveland Division of Streets is ready and waiting for the snow this season as evidenced by the following:
 All city salt domes are full;

The City of Cleveland snow removal fleet is ready to be deployed as soon as the snow hits the ground with 50 trucks, 10 roadgraders and 14 4 x 4 pick ups/small dumps ready;

 There are 34 full-time and 60 seasonal drivers available who will be on-duty as the need arises;

and a number of auxiliary crews are on standby should the snow fall exceed 8-10 inches.

Media can get b-roll of the salt dome and equipment today at the South Marginal facility at 1:30 pm. Please call the press office prior to arriving for filming.

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