Israeli Firm to Produce Wings for US Fighter Jets

Israel Aerospace Industries will produce fighter jet wings for Lockheed Martin, a US leader in aerospace defense.

The F-35 jets IAI will assist are the most expensive weapons program utilized by the Pentagon, with a $400 billion cost.

Israeli Firm to Produce Wings for US Fighter Jets

“The contract marks a key milestone in the existing cooperation between IAI and Lockheed Martin,” a statement read today.

“This agreement represents an important milestone for IAI and ensures its involvement in the world’s most advanced fighter aircraft,” addedJoseph Weiss, president and chief executive officer of IAI. “I welcome the strengthening relationship with Lockheed Martin, a leading manufacturer of aircraft.”

The deal, announced today, doesn’t mark the first time the IAI has partnered with Lockheed Martin, a state-owned company.

“IAI has been supplying Lockheed Martin with essential components for our platforms for many years, and their participation in the F-35 program is a natural development of this relationship,” said Steve O’Bryan, vice president of Lockheed’s F-35 Program Integration and Business Development.

IAI has in the past produced wings for Lockheed Martin’s F-16 crafts and the US Air Force’s T-38 crafts.

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