Remarkable experience working as a volunteer intern with Esperanza Inc.

By Dorothy (“Ylar Ferrer” )Bell

It was truly a remarkable experience working as a volunteer intern with Esperanza Inc. The Esperanza “familia” embraced me and uplifted me unconditionally which is the most amazing thing anyone can do for someone else. To my friends and peers at Esperanza Inc. you all truly get it! Each and every one of you are amazing individuals, full of leadership qualities, and passion for others! Keep pushing forward and don’t let any obstacles or battles deter you from your dreams, for you are all Guerreros Valientes. To the staff workers at Esperanza each and every one of you is talented in your own way and your work is truly inspirational. I adore each of you con todo mi alma y corazon. You really bring greatness and inspiration to the Latino community with your loving hearts and kindness. The Latino community is sometimes frowned upon through the media but Esperanza Inc always continues to inspire young Latino leaders, walking in a path of greatness, siempre en adelante mi gente! I also want to take the time to thank the people who have supported me with everything that I’m doing. That includes many people but specifically I want to thank DeeDee Marrero-Pinto for taking the time to bring the passion out of me and helping me become a better person. You really came into my life when I needed to feel appreciated and loved and YOU NAILED IT! Nuestra comunidad Latina de Ohio is ONE OF A KIND. The passion, love, dedication, and inspiration within each of us are overwhelming and as long as we move forward even in the midst of a storm we will always rise. It is an honor to be surrounded with such great people who go above and beyond what is asked, always ready to speak something positive into my heart and the hearts of others. I really do love the people at Esperanza Inc and Ohio Hispanic Heritage Coalition and appreciate EVERYTHING you all have allowed me to do and what you have done for me!! Muchas bendiciones a mi gente fuerte, amorosa, bella, y apasionada.

About Dorothy (“Ylar Ferrer” )Bell
Political Science major Kent State University
19 years old
Founder and journalist for Afro Latino Army

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