The board of elections will continue to issue bilingual ballots

By Brian Cummins

Cleveland City Councilman Ward 14

brian2The board of elections will continue to issue bilingual ballots, and indefinitely continue most of its other outreach efforts to Spanish-speaking voters that were educated in Puerto Rico. Before reacting negatively to this as I anticipate people will, please understand the basic facts regarding Puerto Rico – Puerto Rico is a U.S. Common Wealth and as such Puerto Ricans have had U.S. citizenship status since 1917. Puerto Rico’s official languages are Spanish AND English. It is critical to understand that Spanish is the dominant language of business, education and daily life on the island, and Public school instruction is conducted in Spanish. Also important to know – Puerto Ricans have served in the U.S. armed forces in every conflict since World War I.

For these reasons, the unique and historic relationship and status Puerto Rico maintains, and; the 1965 Voting Rights Act, Puerto Ricans are endowed with the rights to a bilingual ballot and other outreach efforts to ensure their electoral participation in the U.S.

Lastly, congratulations and thanks to the members of the Spanish Language Advisory Board for their service and advocacy

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