Why is important for Latinos to vote?

First of all because if every Latino went out and vote, we can really make the difference.

Also the 2014 midterms elections will decide the political future of the country for at least the next two years, deicing which party controls the Senate. The majority in it, will influence over the president’s U.S. Supreme Court nominees since the president’s pick has to be confirmed by the Senate.

This means that the future of controversial legislation such as voter ID laws, gay marriage, and others issues hangs in the balance. 

Besides,voting is important because no one thinks you will. Voting during midterms is always lower than in presidential elections and has been like that since the 1840s. This happens for a some reasons: Midterms aren’t always as publicized as general elections; younger people ages 18 to 29 don’t vote as often as older  do; when people move, they often fail to update their voter registration; and many people, especially low income residents don’t think their vote matters.

But your vote cunts!! The people who show up make the decisions. Midterm elections are often where criminal justice policies, education policies, infrastructure issues, zoning license policies, and management of public services are determined, and those are things that affect your day-to-day life. And because so few people show up for midterms, your vote really does go further than you think it would.

To finish, Latinos are the largest minority group in the U.S., and it’s estimated that 800,000 U.S.-born Latinos turn 18 every , and if we vote in the midterms we can make a change in the immigration reform. In September, President Obama announced he was delaying any executive action on immigration until after midterms because congressional action on immigration had stalled, so the outcome of the midterms will probably have a large impact on the type of immigration legislation proposed and how it moves forward.

By Agustina Lotts Collado


Follow me: https://twitter.com/Aguscolladoo


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