#WomensWave Seizes the House in Midterm Elections, Women’s March Channels Energy towards Third Annual March on January 19, 2019

WASHINGTON — Women’s March released the following statement in response to the midterm election results last night:

“The midterm results are clear: Women brought our power to the polls, and women took back the House. Women’s March has spent all of 2018 channeling the power of the Women’s March movement into electoral power. We knocked on doors, drove women to early voting locations, worked with student associations, met with local women’s groups and leaders, held webinars and trainings about voter suppression, and phone banked our sisters. Millions of us marched, inspiring hundreds of women to run, millions more to vote, and dozens to win.

“The #WomensWave that just took the House is flooding our country, electing the most diverse Congress in our nation’s history, and adding millions of formerly disenfranchised voters to the rolls. Candidates like Stacey Abrams inspired the nation. She continues to inspire, fighting for democracy and working to ensure that every single vote is counted. We elected the first two Muslim women to ever serve in Congress, Black women will make history representing Massachusetts and Connecticut, and two Latinas will make history representing Texas. And voters showed up to elect two Native women to Congress, a historic first that will help reshape the future for Indigenous people on a federal level.

“This is only the beginning. The powerful have shown that they won’t represent or respect us. We’ve seen their white nationalist agenda. It is incompatible with both the majority and promise of America. So we are writing our own — a Women’s Agenda, by women and for the people. On January 19, 2019, we’re marching it straight up to their front doors.”

Women’s March Power To The Polls tour traveled to Nevada, Ohio, North Carolina, California, Texas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Florida mobilizing women voters.


Women’s March is convening a diverse table of policy experts to craft the nation’s first intersectional, feminist Women’s Agenda, a national platform of legislative priorities guided by the Women’s March ten Unity Principles the group launched two years ago. Women’s March partner organizations will continue meeting in the coming weeks to finalize the pillars of the Women’s Agenda that is specific, actionable, imperative, evidence-based and achievable by 2020.


The third annual Women’s March on Washington, where the Women’s Agenda will be announced, will be held on January 19, 2019.

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